Why be so outspoken about Christ in business?

Not because we believe a Christian business must put Christ’s name on everything they do. Martin Luther once said, “If you’re going to be a Christian cobbler, you don’t make shoes with little crosses on them, you just make good shoes.”
The reason we do it has to do with the fact that this world is openly hostile to people who are outspoken about Christ, and this has made many who are aligned with Christ hide their alignment out of self-protection. Consequently, the world no longer knows that there are any businesses still aligned with Christ. At OneHat, we want to assure the world that Christian businesses still exist, and that we are one of them.
When a client works with OneHat, they know what they’re going to get. They can trust us. They know that what we say we mean. And they know that if we have wronged them in any way, we will make it right!
Earning a dollar is not our highest goal—not by a long shot. Proving we’re right is not our top priority. Protecting ourselves is not our chief end. Our primary purpose is to glorify God in everything we do, and because of that we obey him.